Vida Lavana Powder -Manihari / Manihari Namak / Vid / Bid Namak- Natural | Pure
It is considered as an artificial salt (Kritrima lavana) by certain Rasashastra texts of Ayurveda.
Vid Lavana powder | Vidlavan Pure | bid lavang | lbedlavang
Vida Lavana is a form of Lavana (Salt) in Ayurveda. Also known as Biriya Sanchar Namak. Helpful as Agnidipak, Yakrit Vikara, Adhmana, Shool, Apachan (promotes digestive fire, liver issues, pain, indigestion
Vida Lavana is a type of salt that appears in Ayurvedic texts and is used in Ayurvedic medicine:
Chemical composition
Chemically, Vida Lavana is known as ammonium chloride. However, artificially prepared Vida Lavana is primarily made up of sodium chloride, with trace amounts of other substances.
Vida Lavana is an artificially prepared salt that appears in dark red shining granules.
Vida Lavana is said to have the following properties:
Kshara (alkalinity)
Ushna veerya
Deepana, Ruchya, Kaphavatahara actions
Vida Lavana is said to be helpful for Agnidipak, Yakrit Vikara, Adhmana, Shool, and Apachan.
Other names
Vida Lavana is also known as Kritrima, Supakya, Dravida, Vita, and Kritaka.
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