Shudh Kuchla Churna Powder
What are the synonyms of Kuchla?
Strychnos nux-vomica, Visatindu, Kakatinduka, Ajraki, Habbul gurab, Kucila, Kuchila Poison-nut tree, Nux vomica, Konchala, Jher Kochla, Zer Kochalu, Kuchala, Kuchila, Bish tendu, Kanjihemushti, Manjira, Hemmushti, Ittongi, Kasarkayi, Kajjl, Kanniram, Kajra, Yettimaram, Kakotee, Ettikottai, Ettikkai, Mushti, Mushini, Azaraqi, Kupilu
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