Kutaja Powder" helps to promote digestion and naturally helps to eliminate toxins from body. It improves the digestive fire and helps to enhance the appetite. It naturally helps to improve blood that is coming during the stool pass.
Kutaja Ghana Vati is a traditional ayurvedic remedy that has potent anti-dysenteric, antidiarrheal, anti-amoebic action and hemostatic properties for treating and curing a horde of ailments including dysentery, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, malabsorption syndrome, intestinal infections, and different bleeding disorders.
- Used for treating urinary disorders
- Manages Diabetes
- Alleviates Infection
- Promotes Digestion
English : Ester Tree, Conessi Seeds, Hindi : Indraju, Kurchi, Kuraiya, Sanskrit :BhadraYava, Kalinga, Sakra, Vatsaka, Urdu :Tukhm-e-Kurchi, IndarjaoTalkh, Punjabi :Indrajau, Kaurasakh, Kura, Assamese :Dudhkuri, Bengali :Kurchi, Gujrati :Kuda, Kudo, Kannada :KodasigeBeeja,Malayalam : Kutakappala, Marathi :Kudayache Beej, Oriya :Kurei, Keruan, Tamil :Kudasapalai, Telugu :KodisapalaVittulu, Palakodisa, Vittulu.
Wrightia antidysenterica, Dudhkuri, Kurchi, Ester tree, Conessi bark, Kuda, Kadachhal, Kudo, Kurchi, Kuraiya, Kodasige, Halagattigida, Halagatti Mara, Kogad, Kutakappala, Pandhra Kuda Kurei, Keruan, Kurasukk, Kura, Kudasapalai, Kodisapala, Palakodisa, Kurchi, Sakra
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