Kalmegh reduces excess pitta and kapha in the lungs and bolsters all-around health and well-being. It also promotes the healthy flow of bile and supports proper function of liver.* Herbal tablets that contain Kalmegh herb include: Immune Strong, Liver Formula, Pollen Protect.
English : The creat, Kariyat, Hindi : Charayetaah, Chiraita, Kalamegh, Kalmegh, Sanskrit : Bhunimba, Bhunimbah, Kalamegha, Urdu : Bhooinimo, Kannada: Hasi kiriyaatha, Kaala megha, Kreata, Malayalam: Cara-caniram, Kiriyat, Kiriyatta, Marathi: Kirayatem, Olenkirayat, Paale kiraayath, vhadlem, Tamil: Anarivempucceti, Anariyam, Anariyatittam, Gujarathi : Kariyathu, Litu Kariyat, Telugu: Karivaemu, Nela vemu, Bengali : Kalamegh,

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