Asafoetida is the dried latex (gum oleoresin) exuded from the living underground rhizome or tap root of several species of Ferula (three of which grow in India), which is a perennial herb (1 to 1.5 mtr. High).
Asafoetida is extensively used for flavouring curries, sauces, and pickles. It is also used in medicines because of its antibiotic properties.
Hindi : Hing Bengali : Hing Gujarati : Hing Kannada : Hinger,Ingu Kashmiri : Yang, Sap Malayalam : Kayam Marathi : Hing Oriya : Hengu Punjabi : Hing Sanskrit : Badhika, Agudagandhu Tamil : Perungayam Telugu : Inguva, Ingumo Urdu : Hing
Botanical NameFerula asafoetida
Commercial Part
Oleogum resin extracted from rhizome and thickened root
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