Dill Seed / सुआ बीज / Sua Beej / Anethum graveolens
The word “dill” comes from the Norse “dilla”, meaning “to lull”. Drinking dill tea is recommended to overcome insomnia. A native to Europe, it is a Russian favourite and can be cultivated near the Arctic Circle. Both seeds and leaves are edible. It was known as a medicinal herb to the ancient Greeks and Romans, where soldiers placed burned dill seeds on their wounds to promote healing.
Flavour: aromatic and slightly bitter, similar to caraway
Hotness Scale:1
Preparation and Storage
Seeds can be used whole or crushed in a mill or coffee grinder. The dried seeds keep indefinitely when kept out of sunlight in an airtight container.
Health Benefits of Dill
Dill seeds contain carvone as an essential oil. Dill is considered caminative, stomachic and slightly stimulant. Dill water is given to children for digestive problems. Also it “destroyeth the hiccups”.
Other Names
Dill Seed, Dilly, Garden Dill
French: aneth
German: Dill
Italian: aneto
Spanish: éneldo
Indian: surva
Lao: phak si
Scientific Name
Anethum graveolens syn: Peucedanum graveolens
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